Welcome Buccaneers!

Please have a good browse around our ship. There are lots of treasures to see

  • Who we are,  where we are and where we are going.
  • There is a Gallery of our Salty Sea Dogs and Wicked Wenches.
  • Message Bottle, if you want to contact us. 

2024 Sees a revival of the Withernsea International Pirate Festival

Subsequent to the 10th Withernsea Pirate Festival Reunion it was decided to re-instate the Withernsea Pirate Crew and hold a Festival.

The festival is to provide music, dance and games based on a pirate theme.

Local organisations; such as Withernsea Youth Action, Scouts, football team, craft groups etc. benefit from the event as we offer them the chance to take stalls and spaces on the show ground to show off their services and wares. These spaces will be offered on a no fee basis. 

An estimated crowd of around 5000 is expected. Those attending are mainly local residents (Withernsea has a population of just under 6,000 which increases to an excess of 14,000 during the summer holiday period). Additionally, groups of “Pirates” from all over the country visit, demonstrating one of the festival’s aims of improving tourism to the town.

Interested in being part of the Festival

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